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Transformations Nepal Professional

Sep 7th, 2022 at 12:48   Health   Kathmandu   269 views Reference: 220

0.0 star

Location: Kathmandu

Price: Contact us

About Transformations Nepal 

Transformations Nepal is a drug treatment and rehabilitation centre established in 2011 to support drug and alcohol dependents overcome their addiction.

Company Overview

Transformations Nepal is a drug treatment and rehabilitation centre established in 2011 to support drug and alcohol dependents overcome their addiction. This organization was established by Mr. Santosh Ghimire who has a long experience working in the field of drugs treatment and prevention.

This is a purely non-governmental and non-profit making organization. It has been registered under the social welfare council and is purely a service oriented organization. It is situated in Kapan-1, in the capital city of Kathmandu.

The objective of the organization is to render help to those people who have not been able to overcome their “chemical” addiction and have developed impaired control over it. Since chemical addiction is a growing problem of our country and has engulfed a large number of nation-building youths; the organization aims to join hand in nation- building by bringing these youths to normal life. It not only provides psychological counseling but also teaches students the practical life operating skills without drugs.

The organization is of the view that addiction is the result of decreasing physical and mental ability of any person towards the use of chemical substance. This can be controlled by the use of knowledge, reason, and different skills (techniques). The most important thing is to provide proper education to the chemical users. Similarly, the treatment techniques vary for different people with different problems. The reason behind this is, different substances have different physical and mental implications, thus require different treatment.

Normally people with addictive behaviors are treated as lower level citizens, often hatred by their own family and the society. Such people are even taken as “taboo” in the society not knowing that they can be transformed into a responsible citizen of the society. We often hear people bandid with slogan “once an addict always an addict”. This organization denounces such pessimistic thoughts and refutes any such claim.
However, the organization believes that the best way to overcome this problem is to speak out. No one should hide such problem fearing of defamation or the outcome can be more disastrous. It is generally believed that the ultimate destiny of chronic addicts is either jail or death. Therefore, speaking up is the best preventive way. There is solution to this problem and a positive difference can be made with our collective effort. Never forget “every black cloud has silver lining in it”. Therefore, we are committed in bringing out the best from the worst.


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Company Name
Transformations Nepal
Sukedhara Marga Kathmandu, Nepal
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