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Languages spoken in Nepal. Professional

Nov 2nd, 2023 at 11:08   Blogs   Kathmandu   197 views Reference: 866

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Languages spoken in Nepal.

Nepal is a linguistically diverse country with a rich tapestry of languages spoken by its various ethnic groups. While Nepali (also known as Gorkhali) is the official language and serves as a lingua franca for communication across different communities, there are numerous other languages spoken throughout the country. Here are some of the major languages spoken in Nepal:


Nepali (Gorkhali): As the official language, Nepali is spoken by the majority of the population and is used for government, education, and official purposes. It's the primary language of communication in urban areas.


Maithili: Maithili is spoken primarily in the southern Terai region of Nepal, especially in the districts near the border with India. It is one of the major languages in the Maithili cultural area.


Bhojpuri: Bhojpuri is another language spoken in the Terai region of Nepal, particularly in the eastern parts. It has close linguistic ties with Bhojpuri spoken in parts of India.


Tharu: Tharu is spoken by the Tharu ethnic community, mainly in the western Terai region. There are various dialects within the Tharu language.


Tamang: The Tamang people, primarily residing in the central hills of Nepal, speak the Tamang language. It's part of the Tibeto-Burman language family.


Newari (Nepal Bhasa): Newari is spoken by the Newar ethnic group, mainly in the Kathmandu Valley and surrounding areas. It has a rich literary and cultural tradition.


Gurung: The Gurung people, who inhabit various regions in the central and western parts of Nepal, speak the Gurung language.


Rai: The Rai ethnic community, found in the eastern hills of Nepal, has its own Rai language with different dialects.


Limbu: The Limbu language is spoken by the Limbu people, who reside in the eastern hills of Nepal. It's part of the Kiranti language family.


Magar: The Magar language is spoken by the Magar ethnic group, primarily in the western hills of Nepal.


Sherpa: The Sherpa language is spoken by the Sherpa community in the high mountainous regions, especially around the Everest area.


These are just a few examples, and there are many other languages and dialects spoken by smaller ethnic groups across the country. The linguistic diversity of Nepal is a testament to its multicultural heritage.




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Languages spoken in Nepal.
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