३-दिने व्यावसायिक अफ-सीजन तरकारी खेती तालिम "आधुनिक कृषि, नयाँ सोच, सफलता" Professional
Feb 5th, 2025 at 10:04 Education & Skill Training Kathmandu 30 views Reference: 1730Contact us
Location: Kathmandu
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नेपालको बदलिंदो कृषि प्रणालीलाई ध्यानमा राख्दै, कृषि स्कुलले व्यावसायिक अफ-सीजन तरकारी खेती तालिम आयोजना गर्दैछ अल्पसमयमै बढी उत्पादन गरी आर्थिक रूपमा सक्षम बन्ने ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्!
Empowering Sustainable Agriculture
Krishi School offers training in modern and traditional farming techniques, rooftop farming, floriculture, and organic farming. Learn, grow, and thrive with expert guidance
Krishi School offers training in modern and traditional farming techniques, rooftop farming, floriculture, and organic farming. Learn, grow, and thrive with expert guidance

Additional Details
Company Name
Krishi School
+977 985-1097192
कृषि स्कुल, कलंकी, काठमाडौं